Study the Beauty and Diversity of Life
Biology professionals explore the function, development, and growth of the living systems that make our natural world. Their goal is to understand the building blocks of complex living structures and apply that learning to address real world issues.
Warner Pacific’s Biological Science degree provides broad training with the flexibility to specialize in Human Biology or General Biology.
This degree includes course work needed to prepare students to pursue medical school admissions for further graduate studies in biology, or to teach high school biology.
The majority of students majoring in Biological Science will continue their education through graduate programs or professional studies.
Biology Majors Pursue Careers in:
- Biological Research
- Health Science and Health Care
Pre-Dentistry - Nursing
- Biomedical Research
- Bioscience Management
- Pharmaceuatical Representative
- Heatlh care manager
- Laboratory Technician
- Environmental Education
- Biology Education
- Wildlife Biology
- Conservation
- Applied biological science
- Informal Biology Education
Program Requirements
(In addition to Warner Pacific Core Studies Requirements)
Biological Science Core Courses
BIO 211 | General Biology I | 4 credits
BIO 212 | General Biology II | 4 credits
BIO 245 | Evolution | 3 credits
BIO 250 | Genetics | 4 credits
BIO 490 | Senior Seminar in Biology | 1 credits
CHEM 211 | General Chemistry I | 4 credits
CHEM 212 | General Chemistry II | 4 credits
MA 242 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 credits
General Biology Emphasis
BIO 301 | Botany | 4 credits
CHEM 301 | Organic Chemistry I
OR PHS 230 | Geology | 4 credits
Select one course from each of the three categories below along with an additional Biology elective.
Cell Biology
BIO 330 | Cell Biology
OR BIO 370 | Microbiology | 4 credits
BIO 420 | Mammalian Physiology
OR KIN 475 | Exercise Physiology
OR BIO 222 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 credits
Organismal/Field Biology
BIO 360 | Ecology
OR BIO 380 | Invertebrate Zoology | 4 credits
Choose additional credits to reach form required totals. May select from any of the above UD electives, plus: 4-8
BIO 310 | Immunology | 4 credits
BIO 315 | Malheur Natural History Studies | 3 credits
BIO 421 | Elements of Human Gross Anatomy | 4 credits
CHEM 412 | Biochemistry | 4 credits
KIN 325 | Biomechanics | 3 credits
Human Biology Emphasis
BIO 221 | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 4 credits
CHEM 301 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 credits
Select one course from each of the three categories below along with an additional Biology elective.
Cell Biology
BIO 330 | Cell Biology
OR BIO 370 | Microbiology | 4 credits
BIO 420 | Mammalian Physiology
OR KIN 475 | Exercise Physiology | 4 credits
Organismal/Field Biology
BIO 301 | Botany
OR BIO 360 | Ecology
OR BIO 380 | Invertebrate Zoology | 4 credits
Additional electives
Choose additional credits to reach form required totals. May select from any of the above UD electives, plus: 4-8
BIO 310 | Immunology | 4 credits
BIO 315 | Malheur Natural History Studies | 3 credits
BIO 421 | Elements of Human Gross Anatomy | 4 credits
CHEM 412 | Biochemistry | 4 credits
KIN 325 | Biomechanics | 3 credits
Students seeking admission to medical, dental or pharmacy schools will need the following courses in addition to the regular program:
MA 251 | Calculus I | 4 credits
PHY 221 | General Physics I | 4 credits
PHY 222 | General Physics II | 4 credits
CHEM 302 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 credits
CHEM 412 | Biochemistry | 4 credits
On successful completion of the major in Biological Science, graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate a comprehension of the fundamental concepts, theories, and models necessary to the understanding of the biological sciences.
- Demonstrate the ability to integrate the disciplines within the sciences and mathematics in order to critically approach and evaluate theories, analyze data, and solve problems.
- Understand and apply scientific methodologies through the formulation of hypotheses, use of current research technologies and statistical applications, and the evaluation and presentation of results.
- Effectively communicate their approach to data analysis and problem-solving in both written and oral form.
- Demonstrate a comprehension of the historical context and development of the biological sciences over the years.
- Explore science, faith and their integral relationship with the ethical, moral, and spiritual issues of our society.